Diamond Eyes™ Rose

Mysteriously novel black-purple…that alone draws some attention. But wait until you get a whiff of the strong clove spice perfume. That's a killer combo that will seduce even regular rose lovers to try this little gem. Her sparkling white 'eye' lights up each velvety blossom, making the unique color illuminate against the ackground of glossy green leaves. Tucks easily into any landscape…but also makes a striking conversation piece in a decorative pot or as an 18" tree. Darkens up in cooler conditions.

  • Class - Patio/Miniature
  • Plant Habit- Medium to medium large
  • Growth Habit - Very bushy, rounded to somewhat upright
  • Plant Height - 18 to 24 inches
  • Foliage Color - Bright glossy green
  • Flower Color - Velvet black-purple with a white eye zone
  • Flower Size - Medium for the class, about 1½ inch in diameter


Container Size


Miniature Rose


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