
I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree.

Trees are majestic. They also make food!

CherriesPlanting trees near your home has many advantages, and one of the most important is to provide shade from the sun. When placed in the right spots, trees can help cool your home, which helps lower utility costs, and they can protect your home from nature’s other elements. Growing ornamental trees beautifies your home and gives great curb appeal. Fruit and nut trees bring another thing entirely: the benefit of home-grown food. Talk to one of our associates to see what would work best for you.


We absolutely adore ornamental trees. Grown for their foliage, shape, or flowers, these performers mostly brighten up the garden in the spring. Colorful bark, weeping, or shaped into other appealing forms, ornamental trees offer a really big show in a relatively small package. We offer many varieties, including so many Japanese Maples we’ve lost count!


Like the name says, evergreens don’t lose their leaves in winter, making them pop during the months where few options offer color in the landscape. Evergreen trees, like the pine and spruce, make excellent screens, reduce noise and are key elements of windbreaks. They also provide shelter and food for a variety of wildlife. They can grow exceptionally tall, so keep that in mind for planting locations.

We carry a large amount of Evergreens, including Arborvitae, Junipers, Boxwoods, Holly, Spruce, Pine, Fir, and more. Our stock changes constantly, so come down to see our lush and healthy selection.

Deciduous Trees

Deciduous trees come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, forms, colors and textures. Deciduous trees are those that loose their leaves each fall, go dormant for the winter, and leaf out again in spring. They provide us with beauty and shade, and are an integral part of our landscapes. When you hear “deciduous”, think of Maple, Oak, Birch and Hawthorne, among others.

Christmas Trees

Every year right after Thanksgiving, Beaver Bark opens its Christmas Tree lot with freshly cut trees. You get to choose from the best varieties that make for a lush and beautiful tree for your home, including smaller ones for tabletop displays.

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