Candyland Red Tomato

Candyland Red is a currant-type tomato that won a 2016 All-America Selections (AAS) award, and the only currant to do so. This is a delicious,  tomato that is disease, heat, pest, and humidity resistant. It's smaller than a cherry tomato, with bite-sized fruits that are about 1/2 inch wide and have a rich, sweet flavor. The fruits grow in clusters on the outside of the compact plant, making them easier to harvest.

• Type: Hybrid Currant
• Days to Maturity: 55
• Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate
• Sun: Full
• Planting Distance: 24 - 48 inches
• Support: Yes
• Height: 5 - 7 feet
• Fruit Size: 1/2", round
• Fruit Color: Red
• Watering: Moist soil, but not saturated

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