
Shrubs for Summer Color

Shrubs for Summer Color

Many gardeners assume that the brightest flowers are only seen in spring, but there are many stunning shrubs that have great color all through the summer. Some feature outstanding blooms while others have equally showy foliage and can brighten up any yard. But which... Read more
Our Favorite Edible Flowers

Our Favorite Edible Flowers

Flowers are more than just the beautiful beds, colorful borders, or attractive containers that make up your garden and landscape. Edible flowers can also be surprising and delicious accents to a wide variety of tasty dishes. But which flowers are safe to eat, and how... Read more
More than Just Mulch

More than Just Mulch

Not only does mulch add a decorative finish to your flower beds, it also keeps the soil cool and moist and thus reduces the need for watering. By using a pre-emergent herbicide with mulch, weed seeds are discouraged from germinating and growing. But which mulch should... Read more
The Difference Between Annuals, Perennials and Biennials

The Difference Between Annuals, Perennials and Biennials

All plants and flowers have expected lifespans and bloom times. Recognizing the differences between annuals, perennials, and biennials can help you determine the life expectancies of different garden center plants so you can choose the varieties that will work best in... Read more
We Fall for Mums, Every Time!

We Fall for Mums, Every Time!

No flower is more iconic of autumn than the chrysanthemum, and these beautiful mounding perennials are ideal for fall flowerbeds, pots, window boxes, borders, and many other uses. How will you get creative with chrysanthemums this fall? Why We Love Chrysanthemums Just... Read more
A Tree for Every Season, and Every Reason!

A Tree for Every Season, and Every Reason!

There are so many reasons to add a new tree to your landscape this fall that it’s hard to find a reason not to. Just think about it, trees will… Beautify the Environment Trees add texture and color to the landscape. They soften the harsh lines of buildings and... Read more
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