Bloomify™ | Mango Lantana

Bloomify is unique and fun, in that it produces rounded clusters of flowers that change color over time. Because it's sterile, it will keep blooming. Mango will delight you with rounded clusters of flowers that open a soft lemony yellow, darken to apricot and coral, and finally fade into shades of pastel orange. We love Lantana for its ability to thrive in our hot, dry conditions, adding bright color to beds, borders and containers. They're butterfly and pollinator magnets, and just keep that nectar going. We think they spark joy, and can't get enough of them.

Light: Most to full sun
Water: Water regularly, especially in hot months
Soil: Rich, well-draining
Height: 12 - 14 inches
Width: 10 - 12 inches
Habit: Mounding
Container Role: Filler

Botanical Name

Lantana camara


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