Goliath Tomato (Organic)

Goliath, like its namesake, is a large, heirloom beefsteak tomato that goes back to the late 1800s. It's a classic, bright red fruit that's great for cooking, canning, or fresh slicing on that BLT. Goliath tomatoes are one of the earliest giant tomato varieties, ripening a week earlier than Early Girl, and can weigh 1 to 3 pounds. Now that's beefy! They have a balance of acids and sugars that gives them an honest tomato taste, the kind we all love

• Type: Heirloom, Beefsteak
• Days to Maturity: 85
• Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate
• Sun: Full
• Planting Distance: 24 - 36"
• Support: Yes
Height: 5 - 8'
• Fruit Size: 1 - 2 Lbs, sometimes larger
• Fruit Color: Red
• Watering: Moist soil, but not saturated

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