Bulk Dirt & Compost

Organic Compost

Because of its many attributes, compost is extremely versatile and beneficial in many applications. Organic compost improves the properties of soils and growing media and encourages an eco-friendly and natural way to grow.

Five way soil

Pure Compost

Because of its many attributes, compost is extremely versatile and beneficial in many applications. Compost improves the properties of soils and growing media. Certified Compost has the Seal of Testing Assurance.

Pure Compost

Fill Dirt

This is just plain dirt and unamended, so it won’t add nutrition to the soil. It’s best to use where a stable surface is needed. Fill dirt is without void spaces and won’t shift or move. This makes it great for filling holes and leveling.

Fill Dirt

Enriched Dirt

Dirt mixed with compost. Awesome for planting sod and shrubs.

Fill Dirt

5-in-1 Planting Mix

Building healthy soil is a first step toward growing a beautiful garden or lawn. Our planting mix is great for general flower or raised garden use, including for vegetables and herbs. One of our best sellers!

Five way soil
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