Cherokee Purple Tomato

The Cherokee Purple tomato is a large, indeterminate heirloom tomato variety with a deep, dusky-rose color and greenish shoulders. The fruit has a thick skin, brick-red flesh, and a deep crimson interior. Gourmets love these tomatoes with their sweet, tart, rich, smoky flavor, with its earthy, lingering taste. For best flavor, let them fully vine ripen.

• Type: Heirloom Beefsteak
• Days to Maturity: 80 - 90
• Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate
• Sun: Full
• Planting Distance: 2-3′
• Support: Yes
• Height: 3 - 8'
• Fruit Weight: 10 -12 oz.
• Fruit Color: Red/Purple
• Watering: Moist soil, but not saturated

Container Size


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