Amish Paste Tomato

Amish Paste tomatoes are a large, meaty, bright red tomato with excellent taste that comes from the Pennsylvania Dutch people. They are packed with amazing flavor, and are a long, deep-red, paste-type fruit. They're an Amish heirloom with thick flesh and few seeds, and are a rival to Romas for a good Italian tomato paste.

• Type: Heirloom, Plum
• Days to Maturity: 85
• Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate
• Sun: Full
• Planting Distance: 18 - 24"
• Plant Height: 5 - 8'
• Plant Width: 2 - 3'
• Support: Yes
• Fruit Weight: 8-12 oz.
• Fruit Color: Red
• Watering: Moist soil, but not saturated

Container Size



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